Mourning ceremony of the first Imam held by the Bonyad Akhtar Taban in the Husseiniyah (Imam Bargah) of Imam Sadiq (a.s).
A mourning ceremony was held in the holy city of Qom for the martyrdom of the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as) in the presence of devotees and lovers of the family of the infallible and purity (Ahlulbeyt). Preventive measures was also observed throughout in the Huseiniyah Imam Sadiq (a.s).
The ceremony was organized by the Bonyad Akhtar Taban and was attended by the devotees and Urdu-speaking Shiites of Amirul momineen (a.s) from India and Pakistan.
The ceremony began with the recitation of the Holy Quran, and after that, the poets and lovers of the AhlulBeyt (a.s) presented their poems in praise of the Emir (a.s).
The speaker of this ceremony was His eminence- Syed Sibtein Abbas Rizvi, one of the preachers and teachers of the seminary (hawzah).
The ceremony ended with mourning and lamentation over the tragedy of Imam Ali (a.s).