SEYED KAZIM RIZVIVisits and meetings with religious figures

Meeting of Ayatollah Seyyed Hosseini Qazvini with the manager of Akhtar Taban Foundation

Simultaneously with the birth of Imam Mahdi (ajtfs), a celebration and closing ceremony was held at the Akhtar Taban Foundation.
In this ceremony, Ayatollah Seyyed Hosseini Qazvini was the speaker, in which he gave a speech for the Indian missionaries and at the end of the meeting he met the grandchild of Allamah Rizvi and had a private meeting with him.
During the meeting, Ayatollah Qazvini talked about the activities of the Vali-e-Asr Institute and emphasized on cooperating in other languages too.
Following this, Ayatollah Qazvini appreciated the activities of Akhtar Taban Foundation for their cooperation and expressed their readiness to hold some specialized courses.

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